We Do Monkey Around!
Welcome to Monkey Tree Services, your Certified Richmond and Vancouver Arborist. We provide you with all of your individual tree service needs. Call Us Now!
With winter about to take over, it is a great time to review your trees. If your trees may require extensive pruning, it is best done towards the end of winter. after the threat of cold cold weather. Deciduous trees lose their leaves allowing for great review of overall structure. Evergreen trees (trees with cones) remain silent and stoic, but will show weak limbs with snow sag or broken branches. Take some time to follow the path of sun, review the proximity to your house and roof lines, including your neighbours. Be sure to review yours and your neighbours utility lines (Electric, Cable and Telephone) for full contact, entanglement, or any aspect of interference. The time now to review these items will make it easier to address your 2024 tree pruning needs. Call us soon to review and book a time to address your 2024 pruning in a timely manner.
Long slow watering for deep root is a best. Invest in a soaker hose. Vancouver allows for watering anytime by hand, or using soaker or drip irrigation for trees. Basically if the application is slow, the water is more readily used by the tree. Any water is better than no water. Use watering your trees as a way to cool yourself in the hot evenings, the simple act of watering cools the immediate area you are standing. Avoid watering close to the trunk, the absorption roots are mostly concentrated to the outer edge of the canopy or the drip line.
Monkey Tree Services Ltd was founded in 2001. Since the inception of the business the owner made the directive to only use "Green" or "Bio-Degradable" chainsaw lubrication (BAR OIL). Most all chainsaw lubrication is petroleum based and is used only to reduce friction in the chain and bar. As everyone knows petroleum in raw format poured into the environment is bad bad bad!
For this application, it is added to a reservoir on the chainsaw and pumped into the chain assembly. Indirectly it is literally pumped out and dispersed into the environment in micro droplet form. All this while the cutting action of the chain saw is being done. Currently we use approximately 120 litres of "Bar Oil" per year. With over 20 years of ongoing chainsaw use we directly (by purposeful intention) stopped the direct application of approximately 2400 litres of petroleum chainsaw lubrication product into your direct back yard and the larger back yard of Vancouver. If one speculates there is 10 legitimate reputable companies operating in just Vancouver city, that could be approximately 24,000 litres of petroleum based lubrication oil in the local watershed over the same 20 year period. The cost difference is negligible and has averaged about 10-15% more in cost vs conventional petroleum lubrication. Buying bulk makes it even less. This is a very large reason why you should choose Monkey Tree Services for your tree needs!
Next time you need tree work consider what chainsaw oil will be sprayed into your back yard!
Monkey Tree Services was selected "Best of" for 2023 as well as "Best of the Best" for 2023!
We proudly thank all of our current, past and future clients on their selection of us to address the Arboriculture needs of their properties. We appreciate the continued trust and choice and will maintain our process as everyone has grown to enjoy. Thank you to everyone who depends on us for the best tree care experience in the local market.
With hotter summers small things make a large difference. Mulching the base of your tree will reduce evaporation, reduce heat on the root system, protect from lawn mowing actions and enhance the base of the tree. DON'T rest mulch against the trunk, DO keep it to a 2-4 inch layer only.